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高三英语第五单元Advertising (广告)_高三英语教案

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</Script>科目 英语
年级 高三
文件 high3 unit5.doc
标题 Advertising (广告)
章节 第五单元
关键词 高三英语第五单元

  广告,顾名思义,“广而告之”,它是20 世纪高度发展的行业。一个妙趣横生、令人回味无穷的广告可使产品的品牌留给观众或读者无限的遐想,并由此销售额倍增。如:“包揽天下”宣传生活中各式各样的包,真让人感到言有尽而意无穷。“不打不相识”这则打字机广告更是幽默风趣。但是,如果产品的广告不能准确地表达产品的内容,翻译不准确,正如本单元的发乳广告本想表达“ X puts life into dry hair ”( 某某发乳产品可使干发生辉),经过不贴切的翻译后,在国外市场上意思变为了“ X puts living things into dry hair”( 某某发乳产品可使干发生虫),那令人尴尬难堪的结果可想而知,自然是产品走投无路。可见,准确无误的翻译在跨国文化的交际中的地位十分重要。从另一个角度来讲,通过学习本单元,我们还可以得到一些有关广告方面的知识,更好的了解产品的性能、质量的优劣。

  A. 单元重点新词透视
  1. 谈谈 advertise、advertisement和advertising 的用法
  ● advertise 是动词,既可当及物动词使用,亦可用作不及物动词,意为“(在报纸、广播、电视上)为(产品等)大做广告”。
  We should advertise for someone to look after our children .
  如果你想凭借某种媒体做广告,要注意与 advertise 所搭配的介词。
  ◆ advertise in newspapers / magazine 意为在报纸或杂志上做广告。
   She advertised for her lost son in the evening paper .
  ◆ advertise on / radio / TV 意为“在广播电台或电视上做广告。
  Chunlan Electronic Group heavily advertise its product on radio and television . 春兰电子集团在电台和电视上大作广告。
  Only very established ,well-known clothing companies can successfully advertise through radio . 只有很稳固、知名度很高的服饰公司能成功地通过广播电台做广告。
  ● advertisement 是可数名词,表示:做(登)广告 ; 广告。
  测试要点:produce an advertisement for 为……做广告。put (in) an advertisement in the newspaper 在报纸上登广告。
  Advertisement helps to sell goods . 广告有助于推销货物。
  I wish I could buy all the beautiful things I see in advertisement . 我希望能买到广告上看见的所有美丽的东西。
  We plan to place an ad ( = advertisement) in the newspapers , but they want to put theirs on radio . 我们准备在报纸上登广告,而他们打算在电台上做广告。
  ● advertising 是不可数名词,有两个意思:〔总称〕广告;广告业。
  advertising firm 广告公司
  The store attracted many customers by advertising .

  Milward Agency is equipped to handle any advertising job .
  ● advertise 是英式拼法,advertize 是美式拼法。advertiser 是“登广告的人”。
  2. comment 作名词和动词是“评论、注释、意见”。
  Have you any comments to make on / upon this TV play ? 你觉得这部电视剧怎么样?
  测试要点:have comments from 听取……的意见。
  make a comment on / about 对……作出评价
  comment on / upon 对……评论
  3. satisfaction 满意
  Your success will be a great satisfaction to your parents .
  测试要点:express one\'s satisfaction at / with对……表示满意
  with (great) satisfaction (极其) 满意地
  to one\'s great satisfaction = to the great satisfaction of sb = much to one\'s satisfaction 使某人十分满意的是
  To our great satisfaction , these students helped Gramma Wang carry water , clean the room and wash her clothes .
  4. description 描述
  Can you give me a brief description of what has happened ?
  测试要点:beyond description 难以描述
  give/ make a description of 对……加以描述
  give sb a brief description of 向……某人作简要的描述
  5. boring 令人厌烦的
  To tell you the truth , that was a boring evening .
  测试要点:sb be bored to death 令某人厌烦的很
  6. board 木板
  测试要点:on board 在船上。on the board 将在会上讨论。on the boards 当演员。
  7. gift 赠品;礼物
  We\'ll present the guests with gifts . 我们将向客人赠送礼物。
  Flowers are the usual gift for a sick man .
  测试要点:区别 gift 和 present
  ◆ gift 常作“天赋、天才”,后面跟介词 for 。gift 常指贵重的礼品或抽象的东西,往往被看作是个人或团体赠送的,富有慷慨的行为,不期待对方有回报。gifted“有天才的” 是形容词作名词的定语。
  He has no gift for foreign languages . 他不具备学外语的天赋。
  He is a gifted musician . 他是有天赋的音乐家。
  ◆ present 指一般的、具体的礼品。多是出于友好、礼貌、尊敬而送,多用于送给亲友的礼品。
  The little boy saved all his pocket money to buy a small Christmas present for his mother .

  8. failure 失败(不可数);作失败的人或者时(可数)
  Failure is the mother of success .
  Success came after many failures . 宝剑锋自磨砺出。
  测试要点:a great failure 一件十分失败的事;一个大为失败的人。
  9. handsome (主要指男子)英俊的;漂亮的;潇洒的。相当可观的;慷慨大方的。该词相当于 good-looking 。(指女子常用)pretty (一般)漂亮 , beautiful (特别)漂亮 。注意:nice , pretty , good-looking 都只是 beautiful 的一部分。
  Would you describe that lady as handsome or beautiful ? 你觉得那女子是体态俊俏(五官端正)还是美丽哪?
  It is handsome of you to give us so much . 你真好,给了我们这么多。
  He looks handsome and healthy . 他显得俊美,健康。
  My brother is a handsome young man .
  测试要点:(1) handsome 的比较级和最高级常用 more handsome , most handsome 。用 handsomer ,handsomest 也不错。如:Tom is more handsome than Jack .
  (2) 注意 handsome 中的 d 不发音。
  (3) handsone 用于修饰物时是“美观的、堂皇的”。
    This is my handsome house . 这是我满意的新房。
  10. telegram 电报。是可数名词,指用电信号传递文字、图表等的通讯方式。作动词是打电报。
  THese messages are called telegrams . 这些电文叫做电报。  
  She received a telegram saying that her son was seriously ill .
  测试要点:(1) send a telegram 打电报。
  have / receive a telegram from sb 收到某人的电报
  (2) 区别:telegram 与 telegraph
  telegraph 作不可数名词是“电报机”,是发送和接收电报的设备。作动词= telegram 是“打电报”。Mother telegraphed congratulations to the bride and groom . 母亲打电报祝贺新娘和新郎。
  telegraph a message to sb 打电报给某人。telegraph for sb 电邀某人。
  (3) by telegram = by telegraph 通过打电报
  11. blame 埋怨;责备。
  It is no use blaming her for the accident . 这次事故责怪她没有用。
  (1) 区别:blame 和 scold
  blame 是指对失职、疏忽或者差错的埋怨,责怪。 scold 指大声的责骂,气愤地大发脾气,但不用肮脏的语言骂人。它们的搭配都是后跟介词 for 表达原因。Mother scolded me for breaking the dish . 母亲因我打了盘子而训斥了我。
  (2) 在 be to blame 固定结构中 , blame 不用被动。如:Nobody is to blame for this . / The conductor is to blame for the accident .

  (3) blame sth on / upon sb = blame sb for sth 因……而责备某人
  He blamed the failure on me . 他把失败归罪于我。
  put / lay the blame on / upon 把……怪在某人身上
  12. luggage = baggage (总称) 行李。注意该词为不可数名词,不能使用复数。
  测试要点:表达具体的“多少件行李”须借助量词 piece 或 article 。
  How many articles of luggage do you have ?
  Here are my five pieces of luggage .
  All this luggage is mine .
  a piece of baggage = an article of baggage
  a large amount of baggage 很多行李
  13. 辨析 produce , product , production
  produce 作名词是不可数名词,指一切农产品、天然产品。其前不用冠词,也不用复数。
  We can buy farm produce on the market . 我们可以在市场上买到农产品。
  The field produce is shipped by train to other parts of the country . 用火车把农产品运送到全国

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