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日期:02-06 17:52:46|b9b8学习网| http://www.b9b8.com |成考试题|人气:546

  1-5题:1A 2D 3D 4A 5B
  6-10题:6C 7B 8B 9C 10C
  11-15题:11C  12B 13A 14B 15D
  16-20题:16A 17B 18A 19A 20A
  21-25题:21B 22B 23C 24B 25D
  26-30题:26A 27C 28B 29A 30D
  31-35题:31B 32D 33D 34A 35A
  36-40题:36D 37C 38B 39A 40A
  41-45题:41C 42A 43A 44D 45A
  46-55题:46A 47D 48B 49B 50D 51D 52C 53B 54D 55A
  56-75题:56B 57C 58A 59D 60B 61C 62A 63C 64D 65D 66A 67B 68B 69C 70D 71C 72A 73A 74D 75B
  76.If i were him,I would try my best to finish the task on time
  77.I can't remember where i met hime.
  78.This university offers what he has expected.
  79.We will inform you as soon as we come to a conclusion.
  80.You should take advantage of every opportunity to speak.
  81.If I were he,I would try my best to accomplish the task on time.
  82.I can't remember where I have seen him.
  83.The university has offered everything he expected.
  84.Once we draw the conclusion,we'll inform you.
  85.We should make use of every opportunity to speak English. 如果觉得2011年成人英语三级A卷试题答案不错,可以推荐给好友哦。
本文Tags:考试频道 - 成人高考 - 成考试题,历年成人高考试题,成人高考数学试题,成人高考模拟试题



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