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日期:11-07 22:56:31|b9b8学习网| http://www.b9b8.com |绕口令|人气:338

All I want is a proper cup of coffee
Made in a proper copper coffee pot
You can believe it or not
But I just want a cup of coffee
In a proper coffee pot
Tin coffee pots
Or iron coffee pots
Are no use to me
If I can't have
A proper cup of coffee
In a propper copper coffee pot
I'll have a cup of tea
George Gabs grabs crabs
Crabs George Gabs grabs
When George Gabs grabs crabs
How does George Gabs grab crabs
Betty Botter bought some butter
But,she said,the butter is bitter
If I put it in my batter
It will make my batter bitter
But a bit of better butter
That would make my batter better
So she bought a bit of butter
Better than her bitter butter
And she put it in her batter
And the batter was not bitter
So it was better Betty Botter
Bought a bit of better butter
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