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日期:04-06 17:12:51|b9b8学习网| http://www.b9b8.com |初二英语教案|人气:802


1.What would you like?
2.Would you like to have dinner with me?
3.Would you like some butter with your bread.
4.Help yourself to some soup.
5.Do you like fast food?
6.Chocolate is good for our health.——No. I don’t really agree.
7.With sugar or milk?
8.Chinese tea without anything in it.
9.Come and take a seat.
10、Today we are going to have something English
11、This is take away food! This isn’t home cooking.
12、It must be more delicious.
13、A table for two?
14、Can we sit at the table by the window?
15、May I take your order now?
16、Could we have the bill?
17、Have chicken with potatoes.
18、China is very famous for its food in the world.
19、Go along ZhongShan road, and turn right at the second crossing.
20、Go across the bridge. You’ll find the bridge on the left. It’s between the post office and the hospital.
21、You can’t miss it.
22、Go up this road to the end
23、Go on until you reach the end.
24、An old woman is standing at a street corner.
25、She seems worried.
26、He is sick in hospital.
27、is it in one of your pockets?
28、What about your inside pocket?
29、Go down this street until you reach the second traffic lights.
30、At the end of the street.
31、It’ll take you about half an hour
32、That is quite a long way!
33、We had better catch a bus.
34、Twenty minutes later in hospital, the woman finds her husband. He is still quite weak. They look around but LiuMei did not wait for their thanks.
35、The key to my bike
36、You can keep them for two weeks.
37、Help my uncle fix the machine.
38、You must be more careful. That car nearly hit you.

39、It’s dangerous! The car may hit you.
40、If you want to cross a street, you must wait for the green light. You must not cross in front of the traffic. If the light is yellow, you should wait. It is better to wait and be safe.
41、If you drive too fast, you may have an accident. If you make a lot of noise, you may disturb others. If there is a lot of traffic, you must wait. If you are not careful, a car may hit you. If the traffic light is red, you must stop.
42、When many passengers are waiting for a bus, you must stand in line and wait for your turn. When you get on the bus, you must buy ticket. If you get off the bus, you mustn’t push others. When you are in Uk, you must drive on the left. Before you cross the street, you must look left and right.
43、Why are you still in bed? You must get up and get ready for school. If you don’t go soon, you’ll be late.
44、You mustn’t eat anything until you see the doctor.
45、After you use plastic bag, you mustn’t throw them about.
46、People in USA can’t drink beer or wine before they reach 21.
47、It necessary for us to learn to wait.
48、I don’t feel very well=I am not feeling very well
49、What’s the trouble?=what’s wrong?=what’s the matter
50、What a terrible cough
51、I had a pain in my head
52、How are you felling now
53、Let me take your temperature
54、Nothing serious
55、She didn’t feel like eating anything
56、Take the medicine three times/twice/once a day
57、I had to sit down and rest every five minutes
58、There is nothing much wrong.
59、I am afraid you have a problem: you are eating too much
60、I mean you eat too much rich food and you don’t take enough exercise
61、What do I have to do if I want to be thinner?
62、You have to eat less food and take more exercise

63、Instead of them.

64、Are you coming with us?
65、I’d love to, but I am afraid……
66、Let’s go to the first island.
67、We’d better not go there
68、We’ve never been there.
69、Let’s pull it out of the water
70、The children pulled the boat up from the water.
71、Bring the picnic basket up
72、the food won’t get too hot
73、Keep it cool
74、I can hear sth.
75、Perhaps there are some dangerous animals.
76、Let’s go for a walk
77、Time for our lunch
78、get sth to eat.
79、solve this problem
80、drop the basket and run away
81、be happy to get their basket back
82、They eat up all the food very soon.
83、I didn’t join them.
84、She looks worried.
85、I can’t leave her by herself.
86、He look at me and cry harder and harder.
87、I make faces and jump like a monkey
88、I did all kinds of funny things

89、Dad is going to take me to our hometown in JIangXi
90、My parents will take Victor and me to a few cities in the south
91、They are all very interesting places.
92、Fly to the moon
93、Can you stand on your head?
94、His right hand is badly hurt, he had to draw a picture with his left hand
95、He make one of the smaller animals bring him sth. To eat
96、He tell me not to bring anything to you.
97、Look into the river
98、With these words
99、He heard someone playing his sonata in F
100、From the small house came a girl’s voice:“I can’t play any more“
101、How I wish I could hear Beethoven himself play it!
102、We can not afford to buy tickets to the concert
103、I just say it for fun.
104、In a dim candle light a girl was sitting before a piano

105、A young man was making shoes at a table near her
106、Pardon me
107、I heard the woman next door playing this music
108、I listened to her out of the window for a long time
109、The moon shine brightly in through the window
110、They listened to him silently, they both lost themselves
111、He is too young to dress himself
112、Why not take you brother out with you
113、I think it’s time for us to leave
114、Don’t leave anything behind
115、Which sport are you in=Which sport do you take part in
116、Do you take an active part in?
117、LiLei pass the stick on to Jim
118、They were neck and neck
119、At the end of the second lap, they both pass their sticks at the same time
120、He dropped his stick on the ground
121、Headteacher is going to tell us the results right now
122、It’s written by Bill Gares
123、It tell us how computer technology can solve business problems in new ways
124、It was the best-sellers on the New York times list
125、He was named William Henry after his grandfather
126、He and some of his friends doing unusual things
127、He go to Harvard University
128、He developed the Basic language for the first microcomputer
129、They improved the software to make it easier for people to use computer
130、Do you plan to get a present
131、I am not sure if that’s a good idea.
132、Bill decided to buy some medicine for them
133、Bill think that it is right for rich people to help poor people.
134、Mar Twain was a great American writer.
135、He like to tell funny stories to make people laugh, he also like playing jokes on his friends
136、He was travelling with a friend of his
137He was rather angry with the man upstairs

138、You drop your boots on the floor, it happens every night.
139、He was just falling asleep when there was a loud knock at the door
140、Please drop the other boot! I was waiting the sound of the other boot, I can’t get to sleep
141、He decided to refuse them politely.
142、I went to bed too late. I was doing my homework and forgot the time
143、My wallet dropped on the ground.
144、A woman saw it happen when she was walking past.
145、The truck was coming round the corner
146、It was carrying some large bags rice
147、He didn’t see the bag of rice until it was too late
148、Luckily he was not badly hurt
149、Don’t mention it. Don’t crowd round him
150、The girl let the traffic go again
151、As quickly she could= As

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