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第三册My favourite sport-教案

日期:04-06 17:17:33|b9b8学习网| http://www.b9b8.com |初二英语教案|人气:141

第三册My favourite sport-教案,本站还有更多关于初二英语教案,英语教案模板,初二英语上册教案,人教版初二英语教案,初二英语复习教案相关的资料。www.b9b8.com

任务:My favourite sport



语言技能:Reading and writing



1.  必备词汇与句型

(1)       football, basketball, volleyball, pingpong, tennis,…

(2)       What is my favourite sport, do you know?

(3)       It’s from England. It’s round. Many people like it…

2.  扩展词汇与句型

Sports:  badminton, bowling, boxing, horse riding, jogging, shot-put, golf, cycling, shooting, hiking,…

Seasons: in spring, in summer, in autumn, in winter

Place:   inside the door (indoor sports), outside the door (outdoor sports), on the playground, in the sports field,…

Style:   teamwork, in pairs, individual, …

Sports change with the season.

People play diferebt games in different seasons.



(1)       学生自由组合成3-4人小组,讨论确定小组成员中最喜欢的运动项目;

(2)       教师制作如下表格,复印若干份,分发给各小组:

第三册My favourite sport-教案不错,可以推荐给好友哦。

本文Tags:免费教案 - 英语教案 - 初二英语教案,英语教案模板,初二英语上册教案,人教版初二英语教案,初二英语复习教案



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