英语写作范文 Nowadays, to keep up with the quickening pace of our society, many people turn to fast food to cut down their time spent in eating. Actually, I am no exception.
Fast Food
上作答。总分 一零 分。 大纲领求考生能写出差别范例的应用文,并可以或许: 一)做到语法、拼写、标点精确, 用词恰当; 二)遵照文章的特定文体款式; 三)合理构造文章结构,使其内容同一、英语写作范文 连贯; 四)凭据写作目标和特定读者,恰当选用语域。 从这一新变化中我们可以看出,大纲对于考生掌握和运用语言的本领提出了更高的要求,尤其是对于考生在现实生存和场景中对于语言的运用本领。从字数上看来,A 部分难度并不大,耗时大约 一五-二零 分钟,共写作 一零零 字左右。
Well, what exact attitude should we take towards fast food? Firstly, we acknowledge that it really gratifies our strong desire to save time. Nevertheless, every coin has two sides. Relying on fast food on a long-term basis may cause a person to suffer from malnutrition. What is more serious is that some fast food contains many calories which can turn into fat. As we know, too much fat is harmful to our health.英语写作范文
Therefore, manufacturers should try new ways to Therefore, manufacturers should try new ways to cook fast food, such as adding in more nutritional ingredients, and manage to create more kinds of fast food to meet people's needs. Nonetheless, we should remember that we should not depend too much on fast food.
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