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- ·大学生建国60周年演讲稿
- 11-07
- 祖国在我心中 祖国是哺育我们的母亲,是所有是生命的摇篮,我们应该因为自己是一个中国人而感到骄傲。因此,我们要时常对自己说:.....校演讲主持稿
- ·教师节演讲稿:爱的奉献
- 11-07
- 小时候,我做过许多梦,这些梦都是色彩斑澜的,像童话充满了孩童的幻想。长大了,这些梦都离我远去,只留下了三尺讲台。当我第一次走.....校演讲主持稿
- ·中考动员演讲稿
- 11-07
- 各位领导、老师、同学们:大家好!岁月如歌,青春如歌,匆匆的日子走过。我们距离中考只剩90天,在这致关重要的时刻,我们豪情.....校演讲主持稿
- ·歌颂中国成立60年演讲稿
- 11-07
- 俊鹘横飞遥惊岸 大鱼腾飞欲凌空(歌颂祖国60年演讲稿)当国旗炽焰般的身影与天际晨光彤红的胸膛融成一片辉煌之时,我们兴奋了!.....校演讲主持稿
- ·建国六十周年学生英语演讲稿
- 11-07
- Feeding mother is our mother, is the cradle of all life, we should because he is a proud Chinese people. Therefore, we m.....校演讲主持稿
- ·师德演讲稿-我选择我热爱
- 11-07
- 我不是诗人,不能用漂亮的诗句来讴歌我的职业;也不是学者,不能用深邃的思想来思考我的价值;更不是歌手,没有动听的歌喉来颂咏.....校演讲主持稿
- ·预防春季传染病国旗下演讲
- 11-07
- 同学们:大家好!春天到了,天气回暖,春风和煦,万物复苏,正是我们学习、活动的好时节。相信每一位同学都迫不及待地换上春装,.....校演讲主持稿
- ·信任是一种幸福英语演讲稿
- 11-07
- A cargo ship traveling in the Atlantic Ocean. engaged in a stern black child accidentally falling into the rolling waves.....校演讲主持稿
- ·感谢挫折英语演讲稿
- 11-07
- Faced with the concern of relatives and friends and asked myself did not think of a number of grievances, many times, th.....校演讲主持稿
- ·高中生毕业英语演讲稿
- 11-07
- In this glorious summer, we will say goodbye! Who have experienced life in high school people would say, three years of .....校演讲主持稿
- ·书的魅力英语演讲稿
- 11-07
- In the summer, there is a something you can send cool; in deepest winter, one thing can give you lots of warmth; happy, .....校演讲主持稿