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日期:02-06 17:51:28|b9b8学习网| http://www.b9b8.com |成考试题|人气:109


  Part Ⅳ Cloze

  Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage. You should choose ONE answer that best fit into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

  A young woman was driving through the _56 countryside. It was dark and raining. Suddenly she saw an old woman _57 the side of the road, _58_ her hand out as if she wanted _59_. “I can’t _60_ her out in this weather,” the woman said to herself, so she stopped the car and opened the door.

  “Do you want a lift?” she asked. The old woman _61 and climbed into the car. After a _62 she said to the old woman, “Have you been waiting for a long time?” The old woman shook her head. “__63_,” thought the young woman. She __64_ again. “Bad weather for the time of the year.” She said. The old woman nodded. No matter __65_ the young woman said the hitchhiker(搭便车的人)gave no answer __66_ a nod of the head.

  Then the young woman __67_ the hitchhiker’s hands, which were large and hairy. Suddenly she __68_ that the hitchhiker was __69_ a man! She stopped the car. “I can’t see out of t he rear screen,” she said, “Would you mind _70 it for me?” The hitchhiker nodded and opened the door. __71_ the hitchhiker was out of the car, the frightened young woman _72

  When she got to the next village she __73_ to a stop. She noticed that the hitchhiker had __74_ his handbag __75 She picked it up and opened it. She gave a gasp(喘气); inside the bag was a gun!

  56. A. lovely    B. lonely  C. noisy  D. crowded
  57. A. at      B. beside  C. by   D. near
  58. A. holding   B. to hold  C. to be holding   D. to be held
  59. A. an aid    B. a taxi   C. a car   D. a lift
  60. A. permit   B. leave   C. allow   D. order
  61. A. answering  B. shook  C. nodded  D. smiles
  62. A. while    B. moment  C. time    D. period
  63. A. Curious   B. Interesting  C. Strange  D. Wonderful
  64. A. told    B. did    C. made    D. tried
  65. A. when    B. which   C. how    D. what
  66. A. except for  B. apart from  C. other than  D. more than
  67. A. saw    B. noticed   C. watched  D. observed
  68. A. recognized  B. realized  C. recovered  D. remembered
  69. A. practically  B. basically  C. actually  D. probable
  70. A. clear    B. cleared  C. to clear  D. clearing
  71. A. As long as  B. As far as  C. As soon as  D. As well as
  72. A. raced off  B. ran away  C. fell down  D. moved on
  73. A. pulled   B. picked    C. pushed  D. paused
  74. A. lift    B. lost    C. laid     D. left
  75. A. beneath  B. behind  C. backwards  D. afterwards


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