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日期:01-22 22:04:51|b9b8学习网| http://www.b9b8.com |教育硕士|人气:549


1. the swiss are worried they might have to ____ these advantages to the rest of the diplomatic community.

a. extend b. disperse c. spread d. sprinkle

2. unlike photocopies of books, the digital copies are virtually identical in quality to the ____.

a. preliminary b. ingenious c. initial d. original

3. he applied for a ____ position in a company.

a. empty b. vacant c. vacuum d. margin

4. at the age of 40, he had already ____ a great fortune through successful financial dealings.

a. piled b. assembled c. amassed d. congregated

5. when moisture on the skin ____,it draws heat out of the body.

a. evaporates b. dilutes c. diffuses d. dissipates

6. he has everything he wants; he is a(n) ____ young man.

a. admiring b. jealous c. enviable d. envious

7. this can ____ the worry between a couple that they don’t understand each other.

a. release b. relent c. relieve d. relay

8. many distinguished men have ____ from slums.

a. emanated b. loomed c. appeared d. emerged

9. the basic difference between americans and canadians ____ in their definition of the individual in society.

a. lays b. lies c. locates d. perches

10. even the best-built machine will not run forever without proper ____.

a. retention b. reserve c preservation d. maintenance

答案:a d b c a c

1. a disperse疏散,传播

2. d preliminary起始的,初步的 initial最初的 ingenious灵巧的

3. b vacant空缺的 vacuum真空的 margin页边空白,界限

4. c amass积累 congregate集合,聚集

5. a evaporate蒸发,挥发,脱水 dilute稀释,削弱,褪色 diffuse散布,弥漫,传播 dissipate驱散,消耗

6. c jealous妒忌的,猜疑的 enviable值得羡慕的

7. c release释放,放松 relent怜悯,缓和 relieve减轻,解除 relay接替,传达

8. d emanate散发,发射 loom隐隐呈现 emerge出现,出来,冒出

9. b locate确定,找到 perches栖息,休息

10. d maintenance维持; 保持; 维修; 保养

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