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Junior English for China Book 3 Lesson 2-教案

日期:04-06 17:17:19|b9b8学习网| http://www.b9b8.com |初二英语教案|人气:226

Junior English for China Book 3 Lesson 2-教案,本站还有更多关于初二英语教案,英语教案模板,初二英语上册教案,人教版初二英语教案,初二英语复习教案相关的资料。www.b9b8.com

Reading lesson

2 periods for Lesson 2

ⅠTeaching Materials

1.      Language points:

Words: already, yard, schoolyard, step, librarian, probably, pay, sadly, mark, bookmark

Phrases: used to, put down, pay for, come up with

Sentences: Her hobby is reading.

         So was the librarian.

         Now her lost books are usually returned to the library.

ⅡTeaching Objectives

1.    Read the whole lesson and try to understand its content. Make sure to answer the questions in Wb correctly.

2.      Read the lesson fluently, the pronunciation and tone should be right.

3.      Master the following materials.

4Ss  Words: already, on , yard, step, librarian, pay

Phrases: used to, put down, pay for

3Ss  Words: knowledge, schoolyard, probably, sadly, mark, bookmark

     Phrase: come up with

Ⅲ Teaching Points

  1. The main points---(1)&(2) in teaching objectives
  2. The difficult points

A: already, “al” makes an / / sound

B: the difference between “on” and “about”

C: make sb. + adj.

D: used to do sth.

E: come up with an idea= think of an idea

Period 1

Ⅳ Teaching Procedure

  1. Organization of the class

T: Today we are going to Lesson 2, in Lesson 2, we are going to talk about the library.

  1. Review

T: Before we learn the new lesson, let’s go over what we learned yesterday.

A.    Orally

Have = have got   eg. They don’t have any shelves.= They haven’t got any shelves.

Has = has got     eg. Does he have a CD player?= Has he got a CD player?

Several=a few

On the shelf

The construction and concept of the present perfect tense

B.    Recite Part 2

C.     Wb. Ex3

  1. The teaching of the new lesson

Junior English for China Book 3 Lesson 2-教案不错,可以推荐给好友哦。

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