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日期:11-07 23:02:12|b9b8学习网| http://www.b9b8.com |校演讲主持稿|人气:231


In 2009, I will be 9 years old. Many people might say: You are too young to do anything for the Games, but I don’t think so. I am sure I can do a lot for the event.

    First, I have the duty to keep our city clean and tidy. I will neither litter nor spit on streets. When I see any waste, I will pick it up and put it into the dustbin. If everybody in Beijing does the same thing, foreign visitors will see a beautiful and clean city.

    Next, if I am lucky to go and watch the games on the spot, I will cheer for the players from all over the world.

    Last, I hope everybody will smile at foreign visitors. Smile is the best card for Beijing, foreign visitors will feel at home here.

“One world, one dream!” Let’s work together to let the dream of Olympic Games come true! Welcome to Beijing! Welcome to China!

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